
 Become a member of our team!

We are so excited that you've shown interest in our shop to become a Brand Rep! Please fill out form below, and see list of requirements / expectations. We will inform you via email of our decision. Thank you for applying, and best of luck! 


*APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED! All applicants will be notified by email no matter what regarding our choices for reps




Please fill out our Brand Rep application below, and return to us via email at: crownandcastleco@gmail.com



Full Name: ___________________


Email: _______________________

 Social Media Handles 

(please include Instagram, Facebook, & TikTok): __________________________

Why do you feel you’d be a good brand rep for us? _________________________

Are you currently (or previously) a Brand Rep for any other business / shop? If so, please list: 


 Are you local to any Disney Parks, shops, or resorts? ______________________

 (Kindly answer honestly) What attracts you to our small shop / brand? 


 What is your strong suit for promoting our brand? (Best skill) EX: photos, videos, follower count, creativity) - There’s no wrong answer!


Which brand rep tier are you interested in applying for? (1,2,3)   ______________________  

Are you open to us selecting a brand rep tier for you? ( Y/ N)  _____________

THANK YOU FOR APPLYING! We are thrilled to learn about you! GOOD LUCK!